Writing for Scientists
Efrosini (Cindy) Camatsos
Format: 10 classes of 90 minutes each
Course Description: The course will guide students through the stages involved in creating and writing a research paper. It will cover all stages of the writing process, from research/gathering data to formulating an argument, structuring the paper and method of argumentation and drafting the paper. Issues of audience will also be addressed, and students will practice writing for different audiences (ie, scientific journal or general audience.) There will be a focus on describing, analyzing, evaluating, synthesizing, and presenting persuasive arguments while drafting, revising, and editing.
Course Objectives:
This course will:
- teach students all aspects of the writing process, from research to final draft
- promote collaborative group work and critical thinking through class discussions, reading, and assignments on various texts
- help students acquire the necessary skills to respond critically to their own writing and the writing of their peers
Learning Outcomes:
In completing the course, students will:
- exhibit an understanding of the requirements of academic interdisciplinary scientific research
- express the ability to conduct step by step research for a long research paper/report
- express the ability to select and evaluate appropriate specialized and general interest sources
- express the ability to critically analyze and evaluate concepts, principles, and arguments
- be able to draft a scientific paper